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Helping children LEAP higher to reach their goals and dreams!

 Little Leaps Physical Therapy offers skilled pediatric physical therapy services to families in their homes in the Sarasota and greater Tampa Areas. Little Leaps provides 1, 2, or 3 week long intensive sessions focused on DMI techniques to help children gain exposure to motor input, sensory input, novel positions, and movement patterns. DMI techniques improve neural connections and neuroplasticity in the brain which is expected to result in: improved postural reactions; head and trunk control; and progression with developmental milestones. 

Therese Rebain, PT, DPT

Therese Rebain, PT, DPT Level C DMI therapist and owner of Little Leaps PT.
Logo for DMI specifying registered practitioner

Welcome to Little Leaps PT! 

Therese graduated from the University of Florida in 2012 with her Bachelors of Health Science and the University of Central Florida in 2016 with her Doctorate of Physical Therapy.

She has worked as a pediatric physical therapist for 7 years in a multidisciplinary clinic. 

She was trained in the Basic TheraSuit Method in 2019 and became part of the TheraSuit team at her clinic, participating in 3 week long intensives. 

In 2020, Therese received postural reflex training from a Level III CME practitioner. 

In 2022, Therese became a registered DMI practitioner with Introductory Level A and B certifications. She was also trained in Advanced TheraSuit Method, which highlighted primitive reflexes and their influence and importance on movement patterns and progression with development milestones.

In 2023, Therese completed the Introductory Level C certification in DMI.


In March 2024, she became certified in TASES (Task Specific Electric Stimulation).

Together, these trainings provide Therese with the specialized knowledge and experience to provide advanced therapeutic interventions to help your child leap beyond their goals and dreams! 

What is DMI? 

Dynamic Movement Intervention (DMI) improves automatic postural responses and promotes progress towards developmental milestones. DMI provokes a specific active motor response from the child in response to defined dynamic exercises prescribed by the therapist. DMI simulates neuroplasticity to facility new neuronal connections and development of motor milestones. 


Who can DMI help? 

Children with any type of motor delay, regardless of cognition, neurological deficits, or functional level, will benefit from DMI: 

  • Down Syndrome

  • Cerebral Palsy

  • Global developmental delay

  • Hypotonia

  • Chromosomal abdnormalities/genetic disorders

  •  Acquired brain injuries

  • Spinal cord lesions

What is the focus of DMI?

1. Gross motor skills
2. Gradual progression
3. Alignment and Postural Control
4. Range of Motion
5. Balance
6. Functional movements
7. Somatosensory Development
8. Modifying tone, primitive reflexes, and abnormal patterns of movement
9. Global Development



Please visit the DMI website for more information:

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